Today we woke to a snow covered
Shrewsbury, what a sight, i lifted
Kellyn and
Ceienna up to the window for a view of the first snow fall for us for the new year. The three of us were so excited and we could not wait to get out.
We headed off early to school as we wanted to take a walk in the snow before our day begun, for me it was an extremely busy day ahead.
We headed over the border into a snow coverd Wales to school, it was beautiful. Though the last few weeks we had be given many reports of snow from Wales and while visiting we had seen it but getting it ourselves was even better.
We stopped in
Llanymynech for a walk along the Canal where the snow was quite deep. We had a great time playing before we had to go to school.
Though many schools throughout the country remained closed today
Kellyns school was open for the morning anyway.
Kellyn was pleased as he loves school. So as ever he hurried into his classroom, i said goodbye and headed to
Shrewsbury to a hectic day or meetings to do with the business. 2010 already is seeing many changes, a whole NEW me. Getting into
Shrewsbury was also an
interesting experience after a gas explosion in a shop on Sunday had brought the town to almost stand still, even today there is still police on patrol in the area as it remains a crime scene.
After a morning turned to afternoon it was time to collect
Kellyn and head home. The blast had cut out the Internet connection at home and we had now been offline for 3 days, so i was glad to hear it was back on.
Later at home
Ceienna just could not wait to head out into the garden to play in the snow, so equipped with special boots off she went to play with her beloved Google and Muzzy. As i stood watching her, i drifted into a sort of daydream, thinking that just a few weeks ago, she was my little baby crawling around the floor, now she has developed into a very strong minded toddler very capable of letting everyone know exactly what she wants, even the animals. It was getting late when i picked her up and brought her in even this was against her will but she could not stop there all night.
What a day we all had playing in the snow and making life changing decisions.