Today Kellyn and i visited local places in Oswestry.
First we went to Cae Glas Park where we walked around the park and then went to play in the playground. Kellyn Loves the swings and the slide. After we finished playing Kellyn was fascinated by the water feature in the park and we spent a little time talking about it and watching the water.
While we where in the park we watched some squirrels they where preparing for the winter burying nuts and supplies i hope they remember where they are. Kellyn thought they where very funny and they didn't seem to mind us watching them and giggling at their antics.
We also visited the new library in Oswestry after its refurbishment i was very impressed. Kellyn loves going to the library as he loves his books and reading. Once we finished in the library we headed to the garage to meet daddy and have some dinner, Kellyn really pigged out he was very hungry after all that walking and playing.
For the afternoon we all went Including Daddy to The Chocolate Maker, a new tourist place in Oswestry we all had a great time there where lots of sweets to try and Kellyn made his own chocolate lolly pop which he decorated with as many sweets as he could get on it. It was great fun at the Chocolate maker and value for money to.
Unfortunately the day went to quick and daddy had to get back to work. But we had fun all the same.