Wednesday this week saw Kellyns first Nursery Session. He was Very excited when we arrived. when wewhere let in through the main doors Kellyn ran straight to his classroom with no problems leaving mummy and daddy trailling behind. Once inside Kellyn got stuck right into thing looking at what was on offer in his new enviroment. Mummy and Daddy just sat there totally un-needed.
Kellyn was then invited to join the other boys and girls for afternoon snacks which he got involved in with no reservations.
Soon after afternoon snacks Daddy had to leave to return to work leaving Kellyn at Nursery with Mummy, Not that she saw much of him as he was busy getting to know the staff and other boys and girls.
At 4.30pm we were due to leave but Kellyn noticed a large tray of food coming in through the door and he darted to the dining area and sat ready for some food. The nursery kindly cooked him a meal specially for him so he could stop for tea.
Kellyn then amazed the staff by his amazing eating abilty. The way he can both Eat everything put in front of him and shovel it in with no problems sets him out from the rest.
Final we were able to leave, Kellyn had really enjoyed his time at the nursery but couldn wait to go again.