Saturday, 29 November 2008
Daddy club
Today was daddy club and also was the first time for ceienna, mummy dropped myself and kellyn and ceienna off kellyn straight in and on the trains, ceienna holds the title for the youngest member at just over a week old only one problem she slept all the way through aghh oh well not to worry kellyn loves it here all to soon time was up and we had to go looking forward to the next one we are having a christmas party.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Ceienna's 10 Days
Today Ceienna is 10 days old cant stop taking pics of her and her dad came home last night with 2 sack of clothes he brought for her.
We are both proud of her and even more so of her big brother for taking to her so well.
We are both proud of her and even more so of her big brother for taking to her so well.
Today is the final Midwife visit, They where all very good we where both really impressed with them as well as grateful for delivering our beautiful daughter into the world.
She weights 8lb 6oz today and settling well into a routine. She is a great night baby and is a pleasure to have her. She feeds well and again easy to deal with.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
My Clever Little Man
Ceienna's First Playgroup Visit
Today was Ceienna's First playgroup session.
This morning Kellyn and i took Ceienna to Playgroup for the first time. It was nice to be back doing normal things after her long awaited arrival and she really seemed interested in what was going on and was awake for the whole session. Kellyn enjoys going to the group to. He enjoys playing with other children even if it is the same thing as he plays at home, Trains.

After playgroup we took Ceienna for her first Visit to Ellesmere. She was wake in the Pushchair and looking around taking everything in.
This morning she even managed to follow her Daddy around the bedroom by moving her head.
This morning Kellyn and i took Ceienna to Playgroup for the first time. It was nice to be back doing normal things after her long awaited arrival and she really seemed interested in what was going on and was awake for the whole session. Kellyn enjoys going to the group to. He enjoys playing with other children even if it is the same thing as he plays at home, Trains.
After playgroup we took Ceienna for her first Visit to Ellesmere. She was wake in the Pushchair and looking around taking everything in.
This morning she even managed to follow her Daddy around the bedroom by moving her head.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Ceiennas 1 Week Old
Today Ceienna is 1 week old, i really cant believe it. It has been such a fab week which i think i have spent on a cloud totally stunned by having this beautiful little girl.
Ceienna is thriving she was given her Vitamin K yesterday as well as having her heel prick test. She was also weighed she is now a great 8lb 6oz and she still has not lost her birth weight. She has now lost her cord and has a nice little belly button.
She has her brothers appetite guzzling food often. She even joined us at the dinner table in her special chair for the first time last night.
Ceienna is thriving she was given her Vitamin K yesterday as well as having her heel prick test. She was also weighed she is now a great 8lb 6oz and she still has not lost her birth weight. She has now lost her cord and has a nice little belly button.
She has her brothers appetite guzzling food often. She even joined us at the dinner table in her special chair for the first time last night.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Ceiennas First Boot Sale
Today we headed out to Shrewsbury for Ceiennas first visit to the Boots sales. Today's was at Bomere Heath. It was a good sale then when Daddy took Ceienna inside in her Car Seat the room stopped at looked at her.

After the sale we headed for Breakfast, Kellyn Enjoyed having some time colouring with Daddy before heading off to do some Christmas Shopping where we bumped into Uncle Dan and Auntie Penny this was the first time they had met Ceienna so it was especially nice to see them.
After the sale we headed for Breakfast, Kellyn Enjoyed having some time colouring with Daddy before heading off to do some Christmas Shopping where we bumped into Uncle Dan and Auntie Penny this was the first time they had met Ceienna so it was especially nice to see them.
The Baby Show Shrewsbury
Today the children and i jumped in the car and Headed to Shrewsbury to the Baby Show.
This was Ceiennas first trip to Shrewsbury. We parked the car and then i got the children out and put them in the pushchair its taking some getting used to a double pushchair with two children on board.
We went onto the baby show i was amazed by the lovely gifts and clothes that where available. i was stopped quite a bit by people wanting to look at our baby Girl.
It was a nice little outing for us before heading off to meet Daddy.
This was Ceiennas first trip to Shrewsbury. We parked the car and then i got the children out and put them in the pushchair its taking some getting used to a double pushchair with two children on board.
We went onto the baby show i was amazed by the lovely gifts and clothes that where available. i was stopped quite a bit by people wanting to look at our baby Girl.
It was a nice little outing for us before heading off to meet Daddy.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Midwife Visit 2
The Midwife and student Midwife visited today. They weighed Ceienna. She has gained weight and not lost any and they were very impressed by her. The Student said she had wished she had made her birth but Ceienna like her brother arrived so quickly, she would not have made it in time.
They were also very impressed with Kellyn and commented on his excellent Communication and Vocal abilities.
I sat there so proud of my babies. It was such a great feeling.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Ceiennas First Bath
Tonight we gave Ceienna her first bath.
We put her baby bath in front of the fire, we kept the one we had when we had Kellyn, Its a special one that Nanny bought that supports the baby.
Ceienna seemed to like it and Kellyn helped wash her down to. It was so lovely to see her there.
She is so tiny and cute.

We put her baby bath in front of the fire, we kept the one we had when we had Kellyn, Its a special one that Nanny bought that supports the baby.
Ceienna seemed to like it and Kellyn helped wash her down to. It was so lovely to see her there.
She is so tiny and cute.
Ceiennas first day out
Today was Ceiennas first outing. We went to meet Daddy in town ready to go and register Ceienna's birth.
I Got Kellyn ready and he then watched me get Ceienna ready. I was changing her bum and she weed and wet all her clothes so i had to strip her wash her and start again. never mind.
Once i got her ready i put her in her car seat and took her out to the car. I put Ceienna in first them Kellyn he was pleased to see his little sister sitting next to him in the back of the car. as i reversed the car down the bank it dawned on me that less than 48 hours ago i gave birth to my little girl on our bed and now things where sinking back to a new normal and i was back driving again like nothing had happened. i was quite pleased with myself.
We got to town and met Daddy. I was really excited about trying out the new Pushchair which myself and Kellyn collected from West Kirby. She looked so small in there and Kellyn the opposite looked so massive.
We walked up town together i pushed the pushchair it was great. Really pleased with it.
We went to the registry office where we named her officially as Ceienna Jennier McHugh. The excitement building up inside me along with the pride of sitting there with my beautiful little girl.
I Got Kellyn ready and he then watched me get Ceienna ready. I was changing her bum and she weed and wet all her clothes so i had to strip her wash her and start again. never mind.
Once i got her ready i put her in her car seat and took her out to the car. I put Ceienna in first them Kellyn he was pleased to see his little sister sitting next to him in the back of the car. as i reversed the car down the bank it dawned on me that less than 48 hours ago i gave birth to my little girl on our bed and now things where sinking back to a new normal and i was back driving again like nothing had happened. i was quite pleased with myself.
We got to town and met Daddy. I was really excited about trying out the new Pushchair which myself and Kellyn collected from West Kirby. She looked so small in there and Kellyn the opposite looked so massive.
We walked up town together i pushed the pushchair it was great. Really pleased with it.
We went to the registry office where we named her officially as Ceienna Jennier McHugh. The excitement building up inside me along with the pride of sitting there with my beautiful little girl.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Ceiennas First Day
Wednesday 19th November brought Ceiennas first morning. It was wonderful to wake up in our own bed with our beautiful baby Daughter lying between us. She looked so peaceful and Beautiful. After getting up and wandering down stairs to make us all a drink Both Daddy and Ceienna where waking up. Ceienna was ready for another feed. By 7:30 Kellyn had arrived home with Nanny. Daddy went out to the car to meet them. He picked up Kellyn and told him there was someone in the house to see him. I stood there with Ceienna in my arms so pleased to see my wonderful little boy who had now become Big Brother. Kellyn greeted his sister with a big beaming smile and kept saying "Baby Baby" He was so excited and couldn't wait to hold her himself. He came into the living room and sat in the corner of the sofa waiting to hold her. He just looked at her a smiled. Then he just had to show her his favourite toys. The morning drifted on and the Midwife came and went finding nothing wrong with either Ceienna or myself. It was a lovely slow day getting to know our little girl.
When it came to bed time Kellyn helped get her ready for bed he helped to wash her and to change her and he pulled the blanket over her after Daddy placed her in her cot. It was so wonderful to see.
Ceienna Jennifer Mchugh
Ceienna Jennifer Mchugh
Born 18th November at 9pm
She was born at home the way nature intended.
Weighing 8lb 1 1/2oz
Born 18th November at 9pm
She was born at home the way nature intended.
Weighing 8lb 1 1/2oz
Monday, 17 November 2008
Today we jumped in the Car met Nanny in Oswestry and headed out to Welshpool. We had a lovely walk around the town, before heading back to Oswestry to drop a pie in on Daddy and coming home. It was nice to go out for a wonder.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Kellyn Takes Over McDonalds
Kellyn and Daddy took over the floor at Mcdonalds today when Daddy bought Kellyn a new train set. Kellyn instantly fell in love with the set and when we called in at Mcdonald,s could not bare the thought of his new set being left in the car so daddy had to carry the box into to the resturant where Kellyn found us a table and a quite spot so he could examine the contents. He soon covered the table in trains and then pulled Daddy onto the floor to play trains and build track.
It was so funny i laughed all the way through breakfast.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Kellyn's Ojo Experience
Last night Kellyn felt Ojo move for the first time he also saw my tummy moving. He found it so funny, we all sat laughing together for ages. and Kellyn was fascinated at seeing and feeling Ojo moving around. Least it wont be much longer before Ojo arrives as ojo is due today.
Family Afternoon out
Yesterday we met up in Shrewsbury for a family afternoon. First we went to Pizza Hut for Dinner, Unfortunatley Kellyn slept through being there so it turned out to be a lovely meal for the two of us, It was nice to spend some time together. After dinner we took Kellyn for a wander around Toys R Us. He really enjoys going and trying out the cars and bikes. The afternoon went far to quick so we headed home and spent time playing together untill bed time.
Fun in the Leaves
This morning Kellyn and i enjoyed the Autumn sunshine playing in the leaves. We had lots of fun kicking them and listening to the noise they make and throwing them at each other.
We love playing in the garden and i especially love this time of year there is so much more fun things to do, and soon all being well we will be joined by our other baby, and we cant wait.
We love playing in the garden and i especially love this time of year there is so much more fun things to do, and soon all being well we will be joined by our other baby, and we cant wait.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Birkenhead & Wrexham Family Outing
This morning Daddy decided the family where heading to his home town Birkenhead. So we got ready and jumped in the car.
First we called in at a pet centre where Kellyn could see the Rabbits, Mice, Ginnie Pigs and Fish we also looked around the impressive water features that was there, Before getting into the car and visiting a few more places along the way.
Next stop was a lovely place Raby Mere where Daddy took Kellyn to see the Ducks and Geese. we then headed to look at the River Mersey and take in Views of Liverpool.

Our next stop was a fab dinner which Kellyn decided mine looked better so we swapped, but it was still nice.
After we had refueled we visited Port Sunlight before heading back down the motorway where our next stop was Ty Mawr park.

We all had a lovely time here, Kellyn found a little boy and girl to play with and we had a fab time playing on the see saw, before we went out to look at the animals in the park.

Kellyn loved the Ginnie Pigs and the Goats most but the highlight of the visit for him was seeing a train rushing over the Cefn Viaduct.

This was a lovely visit and we have decided we will be going again once Ojo has arrived (only days left now).
First we called in at a pet centre where Kellyn could see the Rabbits, Mice, Ginnie Pigs and Fish we also looked around the impressive water features that was there, Before getting into the car and visiting a few more places along the way.
Next stop was a lovely place Raby Mere where Daddy took Kellyn to see the Ducks and Geese. we then headed to look at the River Mersey and take in Views of Liverpool.
Our next stop was a fab dinner which Kellyn decided mine looked better so we swapped, but it was still nice.
After we had refueled we visited Port Sunlight before heading back down the motorway where our next stop was Ty Mawr park.
We all had a lovely time here, Kellyn found a little boy and girl to play with and we had a fab time playing on the see saw, before we went out to look at the animals in the park.
Kellyn loved the Ginnie Pigs and the Goats most but the highlight of the visit for him was seeing a train rushing over the Cefn Viaduct.
This was a lovely visit and we have decided we will be going again once Ojo has arrived (only days left now).
Friday, 7 November 2008
Last Night Kellyn had a major surprise when Daddy came home.
Daddy had bought him some new Roary toys and a Thomas Jigsaw, Kellyns very clever at doing jigsaws now.
Daddy had bought him some new Roary toys and a Thomas Jigsaw, Kellyns very clever at doing jigsaws now.
Earlier this week we visited Nannys and Grandads. Grandad was on holiday which was a special treat for Kellyn.

Kellyn always loves going to their house. He loves seeing Charlie ( Our King Charles Spaniel), Bonny (Miaow as Kel calls her.) Very special girl who we took in to the family, Snowy ( The White Sussex Hen)and Jacob ( Our old Rabbit, very special been around for years, Bless him).

He even got to see Uncle Daniel there this week, and he also saw his great Auntie in Tesco, lol

Kellyn always loves going to their house. He loves seeing Charlie ( Our King Charles Spaniel), Bonny (Miaow as Kel calls her.) Very special girl who we took in to the family, Snowy ( The White Sussex Hen)and Jacob ( Our old Rabbit, very special been around for years, Bless him).

He even got to see Uncle Daniel there this week, and he also saw his great Auntie in Tesco, lol

Sunday, 2 November 2008
Waterfall and Toy Fair Visit
Today we really had lots of fun. First we headed to Shrewsbury where we had our breakfast then we came back to Oswestry to go to the Toy and Train Fair at the Showground. This was very exciting and even more educational. Kellyn loved seeing all the diffrent Toy Trains.
After the fair we headed out to Llangollan to take Kellyn to see Thomas. As we arrived Thomas was on the platform Kellyn was so excited that he was shaking and his face was beaming. He was just so excited. we stayed watching Thomas on the platform until our precious little boy was ready for a sleep. We then headed up the town to get some dinner fantastic Cornish Pasty and Sausage Rolls.
Once we had our dinner sorted we got back into the car and drove out to Corwen. We then carried on and stopped in Bala before heading through the Hills and Valleys to Llanrhaeadr-Y-M.
Kellyn woke up just as we reached the our destination the beautiful Waterfall Pistyll Rhaeadr. This is a truely breathtaking place which we all loved and we took some lovely pictures to.
After our walk we got back to the car and headed home for our tea.
After the fair we headed out to Llangollan to take Kellyn to see Thomas. As we arrived Thomas was on the platform Kellyn was so excited that he was shaking and his face was beaming. He was just so excited. we stayed watching Thomas on the platform until our precious little boy was ready for a sleep. We then headed up the town to get some dinner fantastic Cornish Pasty and Sausage Rolls.
Once we had our dinner sorted we got back into the car and drove out to Corwen. We then carried on and stopped in Bala before heading through the Hills and Valleys to Llanrhaeadr-Y-M.
Kellyn woke up just as we reached the our destination the beautiful Waterfall Pistyll Rhaeadr. This is a truely breathtaking place which we all loved and we took some lovely pictures to.
After our walk we got back to the car and headed home for our tea.
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