Today was Ceiennas first outing. We went to meet Daddy in town ready to go and register Ceienna's birth.
I Got Kellyn ready and he then watched me get Ceienna ready. I was changing her bum and she weed and wet all her clothes so i had to strip her wash her and start again. never mind.
Once i got her ready i put her in her car seat and took her out to the car. I put Ceienna in first them Kellyn he was pleased to see his little sister sitting next to him in the back of the car. as i reversed the car down the bank it dawned on me that less than 48 hours ago i gave birth to my little girl on our bed and now things where sinking back to a new normal and i was back driving again like nothing had happened. i was quite pleased with myself.
We got to town and met Daddy. I was really excited about trying out the new Pushchair which myself and Kellyn collected from West Kirby. She looked so small in there and Kellyn the opposite looked so massive.
We walked up town together i pushed the pushchair it was great. Really pleased with it.
We went to the registry office where we named her officially as Ceienna Jennier McHugh. The excitement building up inside me along with the pride of sitting there with my beautiful little girl.
I Got Kellyn ready and he then watched me get Ceienna ready. I was changing her bum and she weed and wet all her clothes so i had to strip her wash her and start again. never mind.
Once i got her ready i put her in her car seat and took her out to the car. I put Ceienna in first them Kellyn he was pleased to see his little sister sitting next to him in the back of the car. as i reversed the car down the bank it dawned on me that less than 48 hours ago i gave birth to my little girl on our bed and now things where sinking back to a new normal and i was back driving again like nothing had happened. i was quite pleased with myself.
We got to town and met Daddy. I was really excited about trying out the new Pushchair which myself and Kellyn collected from West Kirby. She looked so small in there and Kellyn the opposite looked so massive.
We walked up town together i pushed the pushchair it was great. Really pleased with it.
We went to the registry office where we named her officially as Ceienna Jennier McHugh. The excitement building up inside me along with the pride of sitting there with my beautiful little girl.