The day started early today as we had some important things to do. We stood outside the garage door where inside our special friend was sleeping. Daddy pulled up the door and there it was in all its glory our friend Rockin Robin. Rockin has not been out for ages so it was good to hear the sound of the old Rover V8 banging away and the smell of un burnt petrol coming through the twin exhausts. Daddy brought Rockin out of the garage and reversed down the drive. It sounded well, Daddy could not wait to get to work.
I took the children down in the Kangoo and work on Rockin began. First job was to fit the new seat in for Kellyn so he can go out in Rockin more with Daddy.
Next was to put on the Christmas Decorations for the Charity events we are booked to take part in this year.
Kellyn and Daddy worked hard getting Rockin ready but it was soon done and looking good.

Well done boys Rockin looks swell.