Saturday, 31 January 2009
Dads club
Another dads club for the children this is a great place to go as there are lots of exciting things to do we have song time and painting and making things it is getting very buzy here now and we have all made lots of new friends kellyn made a chinese lantern and was very good we all had snacks and all to soon it was all over still great to have time with the children and we all enjoy the time we spend together.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Top Priority - Play Group
This morning we were joined by Daddy for our playgroup session. Ceienna was really excited and was joining in the best she could. We are lucky at our group cause there is a baby corner where babies can play safely away from the toddlers.
Kellyn did a lovely painting and Daddy made a lantern to celebrate the Chinese New Year, Ceienna likes the Dragon they had as it was bright and colourful.
It was soon snack time and today they children had noodles to tie in with the Chinese theme noddles just happen to be a favourite of Kellyns. After Snacks the children sat for song time, Kellyn finds this over exciting as we had bouncing Humpty out today. We sang our good bye song and it was time to go.
We had such a good time and the children were exhausted after, the session.
so they where soon fast asleep in the car.
Kellyn did a lovely painting and Daddy made a lantern to celebrate the Chinese New Year, Ceienna likes the Dragon they had as it was bright and colourful.
It was soon snack time and today they children had noodles to tie in with the Chinese theme noddles just happen to be a favourite of Kellyns. After Snacks the children sat for song time, Kellyn finds this over exciting as we had bouncing Humpty out today. We sang our good bye song and it was time to go.
We had such a good time and the children were exhausted after, the session.
so they where soon fast asleep in the car.
Boys Night Out
Thursday night saw me and kellyn having to travel to lancashire to collect a new machine for work ,it was a long drive out and we headed off in the dark kellyn was very excited at all the trucks on the m6,we arrived at our destination and loaded the machine on we then stopped at charneck richards services for a kfc were it was eaten all up by kellyn he stayed awake till we got home and fell asleep as soon as i got him ready for bed it is a good feeling to be able to take him out and be able to show him different things in a boys world.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Sunday Afternoon Stroll
Sunday afternoon the headed to the Ty Mawr Country Park for the children to see the animals and for Kellyn, Daddy and Myself to enjoy a nice stroll, It was a lovely day not to hot so just right for a nice walk . We headed around the park Kellyn was talking and asking questions as usual, This time about the animals and the surrounding views. He loves the countryside and especially getting out and about, He walked around the whole park and we never carried him once.

He is doing so well for a 2 year old and we are so proud of him, He is developing well now starting to be able to read, count, identify colours as well as much more. We have developed our own unique learning program just for Kellyn and it works.

After our walk Ceienna needed feeding so Daddy took Kellyn to the playground and i went to feed Ceienna, They played together in the park for over an hour before Kellyn got tired.
Once we got home we snuggled up together and watched a great film. A wonderful way to spend a Sunday, Life just don't get better than this.
He is doing so well for a 2 year old and we are so proud of him, He is developing well now starting to be able to read, count, identify colours as well as much more. We have developed our own unique learning program just for Kellyn and it works.
After our walk Ceienna needed feeding so Daddy took Kellyn to the playground and i went to feed Ceienna, They played together in the park for over an hour before Kellyn got tired.
Once we got home we snuggled up together and watched a great film. A wonderful way to spend a Sunday, Life just don't get better than this.
Kellyn & Daddy's Baking Time
An Afternoon in Llangollen
On Saturday we spent the afternoon in Llangollen. First we headed to the Pontcysyllte Aquaduct and Trevor Basin.It is a exciting place to visit with spectacular views. A great place to walk with pushchairs even if it is a bit narrow. There are also lots of boats here, something Kellyn is fascinated with at the moment.
After we visited the Aquaduct we headed to the town of Llangollen we went round the second hand shops. WE then sat together in the car while the children were sleeping having some chips.
A lovely afternoon spent together.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Web Up-Date
I spent a lot of time recently up-dating our Websites here are the links to take a look.
Wax n GO
There is lots of details here about Wax N Go and its all new services
Family Fun Space
This site has lots of details on family fun things to do including days out Hints and Tips and book reviews as well as forum open to anyone to use.
Our Family Photo Album
This holds lots of pics of our family outings and is a family photo album.
My hobby Album
This album shows all my pictures i have taking following my hobby of photography.
And Not Forgetting
Though this site will soon show events where you will be able to see Rockin this year so please visit again soon to see the Rockin Robin Site Updates
Wax n GO
There is lots of details here about Wax N Go and its all new services
Family Fun Space
This site has lots of details on family fun things to do including days out Hints and Tips and book reviews as well as forum open to anyone to use.
Our Family Photo Album
This holds lots of pics of our family outings and is a family photo album.
My hobby Album
This album shows all my pictures i have taking following my hobby of photography.
And Not Forgetting
Though this site will soon show events where you will be able to see Rockin this year so please visit again soon to see the Rockin Robin Site Updates
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Nature Drive
Today the children and myself where joined by Nanny for the day. Nanny had told us she had not been to Lake Vyrnwy for over 40 years so we decided to take her. It was a frosty morning and after we had seen Daddy of to work Kellyn and i went out for a quick game of Football before Nanny arrived.

When Nanny arrived we had a quick cup of tea before jumping in the Kangoo and heading out into the hills. The hills where beautifully sprinkled with a light dusting of snow. We dropped of the parcels on the way through but we couldn't wait to get to our destination.
On the way through we saw lots of wildlife and birds including squirrels, Hawks and we even spotted 3 Herons and a falcon as well as lots of Sheep.
Our first stop was the Sculpture park some where Nanny had never been before. We got the children out of the car and headed into the park The views here are lovely and all you can hear is the sound of the water Kellyn was adamant that it sounded like a steam train. As we walked around the park admiring the sculptures Kellyn collected cones and other items to take home to show Daddy at home later.
We enjoyed our walk and as we where coming to the end Ceienna needed feeding so i took her back to the car and Nanny and Kellyn met me there later.
Once we had got together at the car again and Ceienna finished her feed we had a drive around the snowy lake.It was a breath taking sight, I had not driven on snow or ice for ages where as i used to do it everyday. I stopped now and then to take pictures which can be seen in our family album.
After our drive we went to Llanfylin for dinner we had Chips. before taking a scenic drive back home.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Breath of Shropshire Air
It was a beautiful Sunny day today so the children and myself decided to make the most of it. Kellyn helped get Ceienna ready and we put her in her Baby Carrier and headed out the door. We had a lovely walk near to where we live taking in the lovely views of Shropshire and the surrounding hills.
We had a lovely time Ceienna enjoyed it to she was smiling and talking well. It was great to see the first signs of spring as we came across some budding snowdrops just pocking up above the ground. We stopped with them for a while for Kellyn to see them and ask about them. He takes an interest in everything. He is becoming a very intelligent little boy i can be proud of no matter what.
Our Perfect Little GIrl
Today we visited the doctors with Ceienna, We where both apprehensive cause she was having her first vaccinations after seeing the doctor. The buzzer went and it was our turn to see the doctor, We both smiled at each other after seeing Miss Ceienna J McHugh Flash across the screen. The surgery is like a rabbit warren so we searched for the doctors room. Our doctor is really nice, kind and very welcoming. She was overjoyed to see Ceienna and right on cue Ceienna was smiling away and talking to the doctor and really showing off demonstrating to her all she was capable of. The doctor talked to us about Ceienna her health and progress and told us Ceienna is very advanced and is currently at the stage a 12 week old baby would be expected to at. Next the doctor discussed if everything was fine with me which it is i am even back in my size 14 trousers lucky after 2 children returning back to my original size with in 9weeks. As we left the doctor told us we where a good advert for parenthood. This is true as despite everything we have been through together we remain a good team where it counts and work well together.
We headed back through surgery to the health visitor again Ceienna smiled at her melting her instantly. Ceienna was getting hungry now so it was a good time to get the dreadful deed out of the way, I started to feed her and she was given her injection, She took both of them really well and was more upset at letting go of her dinner ( She is breastfed) than the injection, Brave girl.
Mean while Kellyn was spending the day out with Nanny, He even visited his Auntie Yvonne and 2 of his many cousins Max and Zoe all where pleased to see him.
We are both so proud of our 2 children that make such an impression on all the people they meet. Kellyn is so full of confidence as is Ceienna. We are looking forward to a future as a happy family with many good times to come. We look upon Ceienna as a gift for all the hurt and heart ache which we have felt in the past especially the hurt which was caused when i had Kellyn. Least we have moved on and enjoy life to the max now. I just cant wait for the future no matter what happens cause as long as i have my babies nothing can spoil our lives any more, Nothing.
We headed back through surgery to the health visitor again Ceienna smiled at her melting her instantly. Ceienna was getting hungry now so it was a good time to get the dreadful deed out of the way, I started to feed her and she was given her injection, She took both of them really well and was more upset at letting go of her dinner ( She is breastfed) than the injection, Brave girl.
Mean while Kellyn was spending the day out with Nanny, He even visited his Auntie Yvonne and 2 of his many cousins Max and Zoe all where pleased to see him.
We are both so proud of our 2 children that make such an impression on all the people they meet. Kellyn is so full of confidence as is Ceienna. We are looking forward to a future as a happy family with many good times to come. We look upon Ceienna as a gift for all the hurt and heart ache which we have felt in the past especially the hurt which was caused when i had Kellyn. Least we have moved on and enjoy life to the max now. I just cant wait for the future no matter what happens cause as long as i have my babies nothing can spoil our lives any more, Nothing.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
A Glorious Shropshire Morning
WE woke this morning to a glorious bright Shropshire morning, not a gray rainy day we had expected. As we sat having our morning cup of tea we where debating what we should spend the day doing. We finally decided we should head out in the Welsh hills. We where soon ready and on our way in the Kangoo as we did not want to get our new car dirty as Daddy had just finished valeting it. We headed through a very deserted Oswestry town and out into the Tanat Valley, Memories both good and bad came flooding into our minds as we drove along listening to Ray Quinn. By the time we reached Llangynog a beautiful small welsh village surrounded by the Milltir Cerrig mountain pass. We then headed down through Llanfyllin and out to Welshpool by the time we reached Trefnanny Kellyn and i where playing a game of spot, a great game to keep a toddler like Kellyn occupied spotting Sheep Tractors, Farms anything really as we drove through the breath taking welsh countryside on our way to Welshpool where we stopped to walk around the shops. Both Daddy and i glowed with pride as we where stopped a number of times by people commenting on our two Children. After having some dinner Kellyn asked if we could go and find some trains, Which seemed a good idea even coming from a 2 year old so, off we set along the Welshpool of Llanfair Railway line. Unfortunately we didn't find any trains on our journey but Kellyn was quite happy to visit some coal trucks instead. While Daddy occupied Kellyns desire for trains i wondered across the River Banwy. Time was now getting on so we decided to head back to home the long way round through Llandrino. It was a lovely fun day with the Children and i took some fantastic pictures which you can look at by using the following link

Thursday, 15 January 2009
life stops for doughnuts
I had to go into town to pay more bills again aghhhhh and asked kellyn if he wanted to come with me yes was his reply and straight to the door think it could be something to do with the new car we have just got full of gadgets and buttons kellyn loves it ,we headed into town and parked up on way to bank i was dragged into the bakers were kellyn demanded a box of doughnuts everybody in the shop was laughing he always stands out from the crowd with the things he does,we managed to get to the bank and sort our bills out then we had a nice walk around sad to see oswestry town being quiet with a lot of shops closing down but thats life they say when you get to rock bottom the only way is up and i found that to be a very true saying with life a lot better now .I THANK YOU.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
8 weeks old and beautiful
Our Beautiful baby girl Ceienna is 8 weeks old this week.
She is changing all the time. We have had lots of fun at home together as family and she is very much a part of that and always wants to be involved and take part.
Her wonderful sounds fill the house and make everyone smile. It is such a special feeling when i go to her cot first thing in the morning and you are greeted with a beeming smile instead of a crying baby.
We took her to be weighed earlier this week and she is now well over 11lb and also is very long.
We feel so lucky to have her.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Development Day
Monday, 5 January 2009
Festive Lights in Oswestry
Last night the children and myself went to see the Festive lights in Oswestry. Kellyn was really excited by them they were very pretty.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Dog Walk
Earlier this week Kellyn, Ceienna and myself headed out to see Nanny and Grandad. after dinner Kellyn, Grandad and myself took Charlie our Spaniel for a walk across the fields i was so proud of Kellyn he walked every step of the way. not bad for a 2 year old managing a 2 mile walk.
Take a Look at Our album
Above is a link to our family photograph album as i have now linked the album with our blog please take a look there are some lovely pics on there.
Ceienna's 6 weeks
Our little girl is now 6 weeks old and growing fast. She is also starting to move around pushing on her legs and trying to roll over. She is also able to coo now as well as laugh and get very excited. Its so cute to see.
I have an Online Photo Album for her please view
I have an Online Photo Album for her please view
Friday, 2 January 2009
New Years Day 2009
New Years Day we woke to a spectacular winter wonderland everywhere was wonderfully white.After giving Kellyn a little New Years gift we headed out to Whitchurch to watch the Parade of Horses, They looked absolutely magnificent. Especially a little foal done up at Santa. David and i watched a Welsh Cob being prepared for the day as both the children were asleep. After we had been to Whitchurch we Visited the canal then we went up to the Racecourse to take in the winter views.
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