Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Our Perfect Little GIrl

Today we visited the doctors with Ceienna, We where both apprehensive cause she was having her first vaccinations after seeing the doctor. The buzzer went and it was our turn to see the doctor, We both smiled at each other after seeing Miss Ceienna J McHugh Flash across the screen. The surgery is like a rabbit warren so we searched for the doctors room. Our doctor is really nice, kind and very welcoming. She was overjoyed to see Ceienna and right on cue Ceienna was smiling away and talking to the doctor and really showing off demonstrating to her all she was capable of. The doctor talked to us about Ceienna her health and progress and told us Ceienna is very advanced and is currently at the stage a 12 week old baby would be expected to at. Next the doctor discussed if everything was fine with me which it is i am even back in my size 14 trousers lucky after 2 children returning back to my original size with in 9weeks. As we left the doctor told us we where a good advert for parenthood. This is true as despite everything we have been through together we remain a good team where it counts and work well together.

We headed back through surgery to the health visitor again Ceienna smiled at her melting her instantly. Ceienna was getting hungry now so it was a good time to get the dreadful deed out of the way, I started to feed her and she was given her injection, She took both of them really well and was more upset at letting go of her dinner ( She is breastfed) than the injection, Brave girl.

Mean while Kellyn was spending the day out with Nanny, He even visited his Auntie Yvonne and 2 of his many cousins Max and Zoe all where pleased to see him.

We are both so proud of our 2 children that make such an impression on all the people they meet. Kellyn is so full of confidence as is Ceienna. We are looking forward to a future as a happy family with many good times to come. We look upon Ceienna as a gift for all the hurt and heart ache which we have felt in the past especially the hurt which was caused when i had Kellyn. Least we have moved on and enjoy life to the max now. I just cant wait for the future no matter what happens cause as long as i have my babies nothing can spoil our lives any more, Nothing.