Wednesday, 18 March 2009

4 Months Today

Our Beautiful Baby Girl is now 4 months old today. She is thriving, Ceienna captures the hearts of everyone she meets with her infectious smile. No matter how bad things are or however bad you feel all we do is look at our wonderful Daughter and she gives you one of her cheeky beaming smiles and everything goes away.

She has taken to solid foods well and loves exploring new things. She is desperately trying to learn to sit up and move on her own. She loves to look at books and listen to stories. Ceienna and Kellyn both have special stories which are made up by Daddy.

She now weighs 14lb so is putting on at least 1lb per month. Today she has had her last injection until she is 12 months old.

Kellyn adores her and enjoys showing off his special baby sister, they even play together really well Kellyn willingly shares his toys with Ceienna something Ceienna enjoys too as she learns more and more everyday.

I cant help but think we are one of the luckiest families in the world.