Today we decided to stay at home for some great fun and family time. Kellyn wanted to clean Rockin so he was happy doing that while Ceienna played happily in the sunshine. As the day went on it got colder so we went in doors for some more excitement Daddy got out his new Starsky and Hutch Scalextric and He and Kellyn had a great time racing the cars around the track. We all had a go even Ceienna. It was great fun, but another day over and done.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Easter Sunday The Bunny's Visit
Today we decided to stay at home for some great fun and family time. Kellyn wanted to clean Rockin so he was happy doing that while Ceienna played happily in the sunshine. As the day went on it got colder so we went in doors for some more excitement Daddy got out his new Starsky and Hutch Scalextric and He and Kellyn had a great time racing the cars around the track. We all had a go even Ceienna. It was great fun, but another day over and done.