This weekend we had beautiful weather once again, so we decided to make the most of it. Saturday morning we headed out to a boot sale where we bought some bits and pieces mostly toys for the children, Both
Kellyn and
Ceienna had toys they loved.
Kellyn had his own money to spend. He is really getting good at this now.
After the boot sale we headed through the countryside to Shrewsbury for some breakfast before heading to Llandrinio Carnival and again another Car Boot Sale. Here Kellyn was chuffed to bits and he bought lots of trains with his own money he got a really good deal and supported a charity he loves too, Cat Rescue. After we all made some great finds we headed home for some fun in the sun in the garden with our new toys.

Sunday we woke early and headed back up to Shrewsbury for yet more boot sales. I think i was the one with the best deal here i bought some fantastic and very rare items, This was a lucky find we had made. We carried on looking around the boots before going to the open day at Greenacres Farm ( A Project run by adults with learning difficulties ). While here we looked around the farm Kellyn was really interested in the plants and watching the Butterfly's that were flying around, While Ceienna Enjoyed the animals more. After we had a look around the farm we visited the Sensory Mobile Unit, This was a fantastic experience enjoyed by all the family especially Ceienna her favourite was the sensory stimulation room, She loved the lights and all the different things on the walls to look at. There was also a cinema room as well as an Aromatherapy room, with wonderful aromas coming from it.
After our lovely walk and stimulating experiences we headed home for a fun afternoon together.
We got out our bikes so Kellyn could see us doing the same as him, Daddy and i took it in turns to cycle around the lawn. Kellyn, Ceienna and Daddy all had great fun laughing at me on a bike, having not been on one since i had an accident years ago it was quite nerve racking but i did it.
After our afternoon fun it was bath time, Daddy and i were soaked from Kellyn being in the bath, We had so much fun. It is Great to be able to enjoy family life and give the children the terrific memories that they deserve.