Rockin pulled onto the field and lots of people remembered it from last year,we set our stall up and even though the weather was not to brilliant there were a lot of things to do and see
We met up with a lot of people we know and it was a nice atmosphere,trucks were the order of the weekend with some really nice local trucks on display there was also a battle reenactment of the English civil war between king Charles the first and Oliver Cromwell it was a really well done display and the guns and cannons were very realistic and loud a lot of effort was put into the show well done.
We camped there and the night time was really interesting with all the trucks lined up and a light show going on,kellyn was wide awake and we had a really smashing time it was very late but we were all having fun ,Sunday saw the start of another day and kellyn,s grandad had brought his farm display which goes down very well at the shows it looks really well put together, the weather was a bit better and there were a lot more people ,rockin had its own slot in the arena and it was time to give the crowds a earful of a v8 on full throttle. The field was wet but it added to the excitement as it was sideways the police were very impressed .
kellyn got to go in our friends truck and he really enjoyed himself ceienna thought it was a good show and she was smiling all weekend with no fear of the noise at all ,the day was coming to a end and we received our plaque for attending, next year i may be doing a stunt show with quad bikes fingers crossed it all works out.
Loads more pictures on Photobucket take a look lots to see.