Sunday, 20 September 2009

St.Asaph Car Show

Today the family headed out early into North Wales to St.Asaph. The journey over the Horseshoe Pass at such an early hour was simply breath taking. The children and i where singing all the way having great fun enjoying the scenery at the same time. We soon arrived at the show which was being held at the Tweed mill. We were made very welcomed but the stewards and Rockin was swamped all day with spectators. Kellyn found some lads to play with and was soon joining in with their games, He is so confident i sat there watching him full of pride for our outgoing talented little lad who could never be called shy. The weather started to change so we headed for a look around the Tweed mill. At the entrance there was a display of Owls all of which had been rescued. Kellyn was told the life stories of the owls on display, After we walked round the mill went back to Rockin for our lovely dinner with Daddy had prepared, Yet again we were swamped with people wanting to ask questions and compliment us about Rockin. The day went to fast and we had so much fun, It great to be part of a loving family, with two wonderful children which are so full of life you literally never stop.