Friday, 2 October 2009

Holiday Time


After weeks of waiting we were finally heading off to our holiday. we had booked a weeks holiday in the beautiful town of New Quay in Wales. Our caravan a beautiful 3 bed static, over looked the sea. Kellyn and Ceienna could not wait to get inside and explore their new home for the week.

After we had unpacked and made the beds we headed to the family entertainment where the children met Roary the Tiger for the first time. Ceienna had a cuddle on his knee and really liked him. Ceienna also fell in love with dancing to the music and spent the evening dancing away it was great. The entertainment to the evening was a play which both the children enjoyed.

As the evening was ending it was time to end a long day and get into our lovely comfortable beds.


Saw us visiting the small harbour village of Aberaron. This is a very pretty place as there is a bylaw in place here that the houses must not be the same colour and they must all be painted in pastel shades. We had a lovely walk around the Harbour taking in the sea air. It was lovely here. After our long walk, We decided to have a traditional Fish and Chip diner fresh from the sea side. After our trip we headed back to the caravan for a chill,and a swim before Daddy took Ceienna out for the Evenings entertainment.


An early start took us to the beautiful sea side town of New quay, We were there early and it was just beautiful once here it was easy to see how the writer Dylan Thomas was inspired to write here The views over the Harbour were breathtaking. While here we booked on a boat trip for later, We then headed back to the car for our next visit.

Next Stop was Honey Farm located just out side of the town of New Quay . It is located in a beautiful place. We parked the car and headed into the building where we were met by a guide that explained about the Exhibition before leaving us to make our way around at our leisure. First we viewed the working ants, we were all amazed at how the ants worked and how the colony was made up. Next we looked at how Honey Hives were made up in the past in the remains of old trees before moving on to looking at the modern day hives used by bee keepers today. We then headed down into the beautiful gardens provided especially for the bee's and there Honey. Next we viewed the Exhibition on meed, this is a wine made from Honey which is an ancient recipe.

We had a great time here, it was very relaxing and informative so much so that we didn't want to leave, However, Our next adventure was waiting for us.

We got in the car and headed back to New quay picking up some dinner on the way, where we got on the boat which would take us for a trip around the bay so we could view some of the local wildlife. Ceienna took centre stage winning over the other passengers so much so that they were taking photographs of her, cause they thought she was so beautiful, Don't We All, it made us so proud of our special little girl. On board we were told stories of the bay as well as being pointed to the wildlife something Kellyn was fascinated with.

After out boat trip we drove to a small smuggling village, it was truly beautiful with a lovely bay which has some caves along the beach which used to be used for hiding the loot which was being brought in under the cover of darkness. Kellyn had a great time looking at the Limpets, barnacles and other sea life which was being washed up on the beach as the tide was coming in.

After a adventurous day we headed back to the caravan, where we got ready for the evening entertainment, where we met Bradley Bear and played BINGO, It was such fun, we laughed all the way back to the caravan.


Our Last day, so we headed to Fish guard, here we went to the Ocean Lab to answer all Kellyns questions on the local wildlife in the area. He was amazed at the fish tank, which housed some crabs and different kinds of fish which could easily be found in the sea locally.

After having morning tea, sea had a walk along the break water admiring the views over the ferry terminal and the town of Fish guard.

On the way back to the Caravan we visited local small coastal villages, such as Newport. It was really exciting discovering new places.


Our last day, we were all sorry to be leaving but know there are some very exciting times ahead, we were all looking forward to seeing out pets again so the car was loaded and the caravan cleaned by 8:30 and we were on our way home. stopping in Aberystwyth to look at the Brand New Kangoo, which we were all very impressed with, its loads different to the more older version. Once home Google ran at us jumping up he was really pleased to see us all and we had missed his too.