Friday, 13 November 2009


On Wednesday this week Kellyn Ceienna and i headed up to Wrexham for an educational trip. We headed to Tecniquest. Kellyn had statrted to take a keen interest in Science so this is a great place to soo Science in action.
We arrived in time for opening time, Kellyn was very excited. There was no one else around so we were accompanied by our own guide who took a keen interest in Kellyn and all he had to say and answered all his questions as well as setting him tasks as we make our way through the zones

Kellyn enjoyed learning about Electricity, DNA and chomertones. He amazed me with his understanding of some thing which i would this was quite complicated for a 3 year old. Ceienna was let our of her pushchair and was exploring too. She liked the Mirror Wall and the Ball which sat in mid air. We had a great time and where sorry to leave.