Next we headed to see Santa in his Grotto, Ceienna though this was great and was very excited to receive her present, Kellyn was a little nervous but again the Guard talked to him and eventually Kellyn spoke to Santa giving him his list for Christmas Presents.
Next we took a ride on the train Kellyn and Ceienna had a talk on how to drive the train and had their journey sitting in with the Guard. It was a wonderful trip, i was so glad we went, The children had big beaming smiles on their faces the whole time, It brought home to me how special these children are over 6 people commented on the children, especially Kellyn his manors and confidence shines like a beacon, I am so proud of him, He has overcome so much this year and come through it all with little effect on him now. As for the railway this is very much a work in progress, but they make up for it in their kindness and passenger care, What a lovely group.
After our trip on the train we settled down for some dinner, having a Yummy Hotpot from the cafe it was super and great for warming up our insides before we headed outside for the magic show.
We took our seats in time for the show to begin, I have never seen such an excellent Magic show for children. Kellyn and Ceienna loved every minute of it, Kellyn even remembered every trick later and talked about nothing else through tea. It Really was the best show i have ever seen.
Before leaving we took another ride on the train, This time Ceienna did get her go driving, She was chuckling all down the track. Great Few Hours Fun we all had before normality set in.