Today the children and i headed to a very cold Telford. Parking the car we then had a lovely stroll though Telford Town Park. The park was just alive with many different forms of wildlife.
Kellyn amazed me with how much he knew. Eventually we made it to the entrance to Wonderland, From the start there was Christmas music playing all the way around adding to the mood. There were lots of schools there today including ones from Wales. It was soon time to meet up with our group and head in for our very exciting appointment. Both the children were booked to see Santa in his log cabin it was a great set up. Santa gave each child in the group a present, before we left for our walk around the park. 
In Winter Wonderland there were real reindeer which were just so cute and i especially loved the Ice Mountain.
Snow Whites Cottage was my favourite. Kellyn especially enjoyed going on the rides as he is able to go on his own here. It was a lovely trip, we had lots of fun today, me and Kellyn talked lots too. It really helped get ready for Christmas coming here too, Now it will be an early night as we have two more action packed days played.